Oral Presentation
(Invited Lecture, Korea-Japan Joint Symposium, Plenary Session,Free Paper, Southeast Asia Grant Presentation)
Poster Exhibition
1. Location
Location: Vista Hall 1+2 (B2), Grand Walkerhill Seoul
**For more information on how to get to Grand Walkerhill Seoul, please refer to our website:
Venue & Transportation
Please visit the registration desk first and receive your name badge and congress kit. And then, please visit the preview room (IDA Room 2, B1) and submit your presentation file.
Floor plan:
Will be Updated
2. Presenting Time
Each presenter will conduct the presentation in the session room (Vista Hall 1+2) onsite at the designated date and time.
Presenting time will be announced in the detailed guidelines sent individually via e-mail.
* You can check the detailed program [Click Here].
3. Presentation File Format
Invited Lecture: The first page of the presentation file should include the lecture title and the speaker’s information (name, affiliation, etc.)
Free Paper, Plenary Sessions & Southeast Asia Grant Presentations: The first page of the presentation file should include the title, authors, and contact email as stated in the submitted abstract.
PowerPoint presentation (.pptx or .ppt)
Screen ratio
English only
Presenters are recommended to use standard Windows fonts (font size: 14 points).
* If you use fonts other than those provided by Windows, you should bring the font file(s) onsite along with your presentation file(s).
Bring your PowerPoint presentation file on a USB memory stick and visit the preview room (IDA Room 2, B1) to submit the file at least 1 hours before your session starts.
*Please note that usage of individual laptops is not permitted.
1. Location
Location: Vista Hall 3 (B2), Grand Walkerhill Seoul
**For more information on how to get to Seoul Dragon City, please refer to our website:
Venue & Transportation
Please visit the registration desk first and receive your name badge and congress kit. And then, please visit the Poster Exhibition Hall (Vista Hall 3) to mount your poster.
Floor plan:
Will be Updated
2. Poster Display Schedule and Location
The posters will be exhibited throughout the HUG 2025 period.
There is no presentation time slot for the Poster Exhibition. (Only Exhibition)
March 20 (Thu) ~ 22 (Sat), 2025
Vista Hall 3 (B2), Grand Walkerhill Seoul
* Detailed guidelines will be sent to the presenters via e-mail.
3. Schedule of Poster Exhibition
The poster numbers and display location will be notified via guideline sent to individual presenters.
If a poster is not mounted by 12:00, March 20, it may be considered as a no-show poster.
Exhibition Date
Mounting Schedule
Removal Schedule
March 20 (Thu) ~ 22 (Sat)
March 20 (Thu), 08:50 ~ 12:00
March 22 (Sat), 10:30 ~ 13:30
4. Poster Format
The top of the poster should include the title, authors, and contact email as stated in the submitted abstract.
Print (in hard copies)
Poster Size
English only
Please use a font size that is large enough to be legible from a distance of 1 meter.
Images/photos, graphs and tables can be included in the poster.
Poster Exhibition Panel Sample will be updated
Please bring the printed copy for the poster exhibition.
Include abstract title, author names, affiliation, and country centered at the top in large letters of the poster
The poster number will be placed at the top of the poster board.
* Please note that poster numbers will be assigned separately from the abstract numbers before the conference starts.
Find your designated mounting spot based on the poster number.
Materials for mounting the posters (adhesive tapes) will be provided by the secretariat.
Presenting authors should mount posters on their designated board during the assigned time.
Failure to do so will be considered a no-show.
All posters must remain on display according to the schedule.
Presenting authors are responsible for mounting and removing poster according to above schedule.
Note that any posters left after the exhibition schedule ends will be discarded by the secretariat. If you wish to keep your poster, please make sure to remove it yourself in accordance with the demounting schedule.
5. Poster Printing Service
If you have trouble printing and bringing a poster to the conference site, we recommend using the service from “FOSTER”. They will print and deliver your poster to HUG 2025 conference site for you to pick up.
*If you have any questions about the poster printing and delivery, please contact FOSTER directly.