Title The International Symposium on Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases (HUG 2025) &
the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research in conjunction
with the 21st Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Helicobacter Infection
Dates March 20 (Thu) – 22 (Sat), 2025
Venue Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea
Website www.helicobacterkorea.org
Official Language English
Organized by Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research
Important Dates Abstract Submission Deadline January 6 (Mon), 2025
Notification of Abstract Acceptance January 27 (Mon), 2025
Pre-Registration Deadline February 10 (Wed), 2025
HUG 2025 Secretariat BridgeUs
Tel: +82-2-6677-0534
E-mail: hug@helicobacterkorea.org